Tag Archives: rust

Type inference debate: a C++ culture phenomenon?

I read two C++ subreddit threads today on using the auto keyword. They’re both questions: the first one asks why certain people seem to dislike using type inference, while the second asks about what commonly taught guidelines should be considered bad practice. A few replies there mention auto.

This confuses me for more than one reason. The first is that I’m a big proponent of type inference. Having to work to tell a computer what it already knows is one of my pet peeves. I also believe that wanting to know the exact type of a variable is a, for lack of a better term, “development smell”, especially in typed languages with generics. I think that the possible operations on a type are what matters, and figuring out the exact type if needed is a tooling problem that is solved almost everywhere. If you don’t at least have “jump to definition” in your development environment, you should.

The other main source of confusion for me is why this debate seems restricted to the C++ community, at least according to my anectodal evidence. As far as I’m aware of, type inference is taken to be a good thing almost universally in Go, D, Rust, Haskell, et al. I don’t have statistics on this at all, but from what I’ve seen so far it seems to be the case. Why is that?

One reason might be change. As I learned reading Peopleware, humans aren’t too fond of it. C++ lacked type inference until C++11, and whoever learned it then might not like using auto now; it’s “weird”, so it must be bad. I’ve heard C programmers who “like” looping over a collection using an integer index and didn’t understand when I commented on their Python code asking them to please not do that. “Like” here means “this is what I’m used to”. Berating people for disliking change is definitely not the way forward, however. One must take their feelings into account if one wants to effect change. Another lesson learned from Peopleware: the problem is hardly ever technical.

Otherwise, I’m not sure. I’m constantly surprised by what other people find to be more or less readable when it comes to code. There are vocal opponents to operator overloading, for instance. I have no idea why.

What do you think? Where do you stand on auto?

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Issues DIP1000 can’t (yet) catch

D’s DIP1000 is its attempt to avoid memory safety issues in the language. It introduces the notion of scoped pointers and in principle (modulo bugs) prevents one from writing memory unsafe code.

I’ve been using it wherever I can since it was implemented, and it’s what makes it possible for me to have written a library allowing for fearless concurrency. I’ve also written a D version of C++’s std::vector that leverages it, which I thought was safe but turns out to have had a gaping hole.

I did wonder if Rust’s more complicated system would have advantages over DIP1000, and now it seems that the answer to that is yes. As the the linked github issue above shows,  there are ways of creating dangling pointers in the same stack frame:

void main() @safe {
    import automem.vector;

    auto vec1 = vector(1, 2, 3);
    int[] slice1 = vec1[];
    vec1.reserve(4096);  // invalidates slice1 here

Fortunately this is caught by ASAN if slice1 is used later. I’ve worked around the issue for now by returning a custom range object from the vector that has a pointer back to the container – that way it’s impossible to “invalidate iterators” in C++-speak. It probably costs more in performance though due to chasing an extra pointer. I haven’t measured to confirm the practical implications.

In Rust, the problem just can’t occur. This fails to compile (as it should):

use vec;

fn main() {
    let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let s = v.as_slice();
    println!("org v: {:?}\norg s: {:?}", v, s);
    v.resize(15, 42);
    println!("res: v: {:?}\norg s: {:?}", v, s);

I wonder if D can learn/borrow/steal an idea or two about only having one mutable borrow at a time. Food for thought.

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Comparing Pythagorean triples in C++, D, and Rust

EDIT: As pointed out in the Rust reddit thread, the Rust version can be modified to run faster due to a suble difference between ..=z and ..(z+1). I’ve updated the measurements with rustc0 being the former and rustc1 being the latter. I’ve also had to change some of the conclusions.

You may have recently encountered and/or read this blog post criticising a possible C++20 implementation of Pythagorean triples using ranges. In it the author benchmarks different implemetations of the problem, comparing readability, compile times, run times and binary sizes. My main language these days is D, and given that D also has ranges (and right now, as opposed to a future version of the language), I almost immediately reached for my keyboard. By that time there were already some D and Rust versions floating about as a result of the reddit thread, so fortunately for lazy me “all” I had to next was to benchmark the lot of them. All the code for what I’m about to talk about can be found on github.

As fancy/readable/extensible as ranges/coroutines/etc. may be, let’s get a baseline by comparing the simplest possible implementation using for loops and printf. I copied the “simplest.cpp” example from the blog post then translated it to D and Rust. To make sure I didn’t make any mistakes in the manual translation, I compared the output to the canonical C++ implementation (output.txt in the github repo). It’s easy to run fast if the output is wrong, after all. For those not familiar with D, dmd is the reference compiler (compiles fast, generates sub-optimal code compared to modern backends) while ldc is the LLVM based D compiler (same frontend, uses LLVM for the backend). Using ldc also makes for a more fair comparison with clang and rustc due to all three using the same backend (albeit possibly different versions of it).

All times reported will be in milliseconds as reported by running commands with time on my Arch Linux Dell XPS15. Compile times were measured by excluding the linker, the commands being clang++ -c src.cpp, dmd -c src.d, ldc -c src.d, rustc --emit=obj src.rs for each compiler (obviously for unoptimised builds). The original number of iterations was 100, but the runtimes were so short as to be practically useless for comparisons, so I increased that to 1000. The times presented are a result of running each command 10 times and taking the mininum, except for the clang unoptmised build of C++ ranges because, as a wise lady on the internet once said, ain’t nobody got time for that (you’ll see why soon). Optimised builds were done with -O2 for clang and ldc,  -O -inline for dmd and -C opt-level=2 for rustc. The compiler versions were clang 7.0.1, dmd 2.083.1, ldc 1.13.0 and rustc 1.31.1. The results for the simple, readable, non-extensible version of the problem (simple.cpp, simple.d, simple.rs in the repo):

Simple          CT (ms)  RT (ms)

clang debug      59       599
clang release    69       154
dmd debug        11       369
dmd release      11       153
ldc debug        31       599
ldc release      38       153
rustc0 debug    100      8445
rustc0 release  103       349
rustc1 debug             6650
rustc1 release            217

C++ run times are the same as D when optimised, with compile times being a lot shorter for D. Rust stands out here for both being extremely slow without optimisations, compiling even slower than C++, and generating code that takes around 50% longer to run even with optimisations turned on! I didn’t expect that at all.

The simple implementation couples the generation of the triples with what’s meant to be done with them. One option not discussed in the original blog to solve that is to pass in a lambda or other callable to the code instead of hardcoding the printf. To me this is the simplest way to solve this, but according to one redditor there are composability issues that may arise. This might or might not be important depending on the application though. One can also compose functions in a pipeline and pass that in, so I’m not sure what the problem is. In any case, I wrote 3 implementations and timed them (lambda.cpp, lambda.d, lambda.rs):

Lambda          CT (ms)  RT (ms)

clang debug      188       597
clang release    203       154
dmd debug         33       368
dmd release       37       154
ldc debug         59       580
ldc release       79       154
rustc0 debug     111      9252
rustc0 release   134       352
rustc1 debug              6811
rustc1 release             154

The first thing to notice is, except for Rust (which was slow anyway), compile times have risen by about a factor of 3: there’s a cost to being generic. Run times seem unaffected except that the unoptimised Rust build got slightly slower. I’m glad that my intuition seems to have been right on how to extend the original example: keep the for loops, pass a lambda, profit. Sure, the compile-times went up but in the context of a larger project this probably wouldn’t matter that much. Even for C++, 200ms is… ok. Performance-wise, it’s now a 3-way tie between the languages, and no runtime penalty compared to the non-generic version. Nice!

Next up, the code that motivated all of this: ranges. I didn’t write any of it: the D version was from this forum post, the C++ code is in the blog (using the “available now” ranges v3 library), and the Rust code was on reddit. Results:

Range           CT (ms)   RT (ms)

clang debug     4198     126230
clang release   4436        294
dmd debug         90      12734
dmd release      106       7755
ldc debug        158      15579
ldc release      324       1045
rustc0 debug     128      11018
rustc0 release   180        422
rustc1 debug               8469
rustc1 release              168

I have to hand it to rustc – whatever you throw at it the compile times seem to be flat. After modifying the code as mentioned in the edit at the beginning, it’s now the fastest out of the 3!

dmd compile times are still very fast, but the generated code isn’t. ldc does better at optimising, but the runtimes are pretty bad for both of them. I wonder what changes would have to be made to the frontend to generate the same code as for loops.

C++? I only ran the debug version once. I’m just not going to wait for that long, and besides, whatever systematic errors are in the measurement process don’t really matter when it takes over 2 minutes. Compile times are abysmal, the only solace being that optimising the code only takes 5% longer time than to not bother at all.

In my opinion, none of the versions are readable. Rust at least manages to be nearly as fast as the previous two versions, with C++ taking twice as long as it used to for the same task. D didn’t fare well at all where performance is concerned. It’s possible to get the ldc optimised version down to ~700ms by eliminating bounds checking, but even then it wouldn’t seem to be worth the bother.

My conclusion? Don’t bother with the range versions. Just… don’t. Nigh unreadable code that compiles and runs slowly.

Finally, I tried the D generator version on reddit. There’s a Rust version on Hacker News as well, but it involves using rust nightly and enabling features, and I can’t be bothered figuring out how to do any of that. If any Rustacean wants to submit something that works with a build script, please open a PR on the repo.

Generator      CT (ms)  RT (ms)

dmd debug      208      381
dmd release    222      220
ldc debug      261      603
ldc release    335      224

Compile times aren’t great (the worst so far for D), but the runtimes are quite acceptable. I had a sneaky suspicion that the runtimes here are slower due to startup code for std.concurrency so I increased N to 5000 and compared this version to the simplest possible one at the top of this post:

N=5k                    RT (ms)
dmd relase simple       8819
dmd release generator   8875

As expected, the difference vanished.

Final conclusions: for me,  passing a lambda is the way to go, or generators if you have them (C++ doesn’t have coroutines yet and the Rust version mentioned above needs features that are apparently only available in the nightly builds). I like ranges in both their C++ and D incarnations, but sometimes they just aren’t worth it. Lambdas/generators FTW!

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Implementing Rust’s std::sync::Mutex in D

TL;DR? https://github.com/atilaneves/fearless

The first time I encountered a mutex in C++ I was puzzled. It made no sense to me at all that I was locking one to protect some data and the only way to indicate what data was protected by a certain mutex was a naming convention. It seemed to me like a recipe for disaster, and of course, it is.

I’ve hardly written any code in Rust, in fact only one project to learn the basics of the language. But the time I spent with it was enough to marvel at std::sync::Mutex – at last it made sense! Access to the variable has to go through the mutex’s API, and no convention is needed. And, of course, in the Rust tradition said access is safe.

That unsurprisingly made me slightly jealous. In D, shared is a keyword and it protects the programmer from inadvertently accessing shared state in an unsafe manner (mostly). Atomic operations typically take a pointer to a shared T, but larger objects (i.e. user-defined structs) are usually dealt with by locking a mutex, casting away shared and then using the object as thread-local. While this works, it’s tedious, error-prone, and certainly not safe. Since imitation is the highest form of flattery, I decided to shamelessly copy, as much as possible, the idea behind Rust’s Mutex.

Rust makes the API safe via the borrow checker, but D doesn’t have that. It does, however, have the sort-of-still-experimental DIP1000, which is similar in what it tries to achieve. I set out to use the new functionality to try and devise a safe way to avoid the current practice of BYOM (Bring Your Own Mutex).

I started off by reading the concurrency part of The Rust Book, which was very helpful. It even explains implementation details such as the fact that .borrow returns a smart pointer instead of the wrapped type. This too I copied. I then started thinking of ways to use D’s scope to emulate Rust’s borrow checker. The idea wasn’t to have the same semantics but to enable safe usage and fail to compile unsafe code. Pragmatism was key.

I was initially confused about why std::sync::Mutex is nearly always used with std::sync::Arc – it took me writing a bug to realise that shared data is never allocated on the stack. Obvious in retrospect but I somehow failed to realise that. Since Rust doesn’t have a mark-and-sweep GC, the only real option is to use reference counting for the heap-allocated shared data. This realisation led to another: in D there’s a choice between reference counting and simply using GC-allocated memory, so the API reflects that. The RC version is even @nogc!

The API forces the initialisation of the user-defined type to happen by passing parameters to the constructor of that type. This is because passing an extant object isn’t safe – other references to it may exist in the program and data races could occur. Rust can do this and guarantee at compile-time that other mutable references don’t exist, but D can’t, hence the restriction. For types without mutable indirections the restriction is lifted, made possible by D’s world class static reflection capabilities. The API also enforces that the type is shared – there’s no point to using this library if the type isn’t, and even less of a point making the user type `shared T` all the time.

Although D has an actor model message passing library in std.concurrency, none of the functions are @safe. I also realised it would be trivial to write a deadlock by sending the shared data while a mutex is held to another thread. To fix both of these issues, the library I wrote has @safe versions of D’s concurrency primitives, and the send function checks to see if the mutex is locked before actually passing the compound (mutex, T) type (named Exclusive in the library) to another thread of execution.

DIP1000 itself was hard to understand. I ended up reading the proposal several times, and it didn’t help that the current implementation doesn’t match that document 100%. In the end, however, the result seems to work:


It’s possible that, due to bugs in DIP1000 or in fearless itself that a programmer can break safety, but to the extent of my knowledge this brings @safe concurrent code to D.

I’d love it if any concurrency experts could try and poke holes in the library so I can fix them.

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Myths programmers believe

I’m fascinated by misconceptions. I used to regularly host pub quizzes (aka trivia nights in some parts of our blue marble), and anyone who’s attended a few of my quizzes know that if it sounds like a trick question, it probably is. I’ve done more than a fair share of “True or False” rounds where the answer to all the questions was false but hardly anyone noticed the pattern because each and every single one of them were things that people believe but simply aren’t true. Wait, how does that relate to programming? Read on.

Programmers that comment on Hacker News or Proggit links are not a randomly sampled cross section of the industry. They’re better. As with anyone who’s ever attended a conference, they’re self selected individuals who are more passionate about their craft than the average bear. And yet, I see comments over and over again, from well-meaning savvy coders about beliefs and misconceptions that seem to be as widespread as they are provably false. Below are some of my favourites, with explanations as to what they mean.

C is magically fast.

I’ve written about this before. If anything on this list is going to get me downvoted, cause cognitive dissonance, and start flame wars, this will probably be the one.

As everything else in this blog post, I just… don’t understand. Maybe it’s because I learned C back when it was considered slow for games programming and only asm would do. Or maybe it’s that it all compiles down to machine code anyway, and I don’t harbour homeopathic-like tendencies to think that the asm, like water, has memory of whence it came, causing the CPU to execute it faster. Which brings me to…

GC languages are magically slow.

Where GC means “tracing GC”. If I had a penny for each time someone comments on a thread about how tracing GCs just aren’t acceptable when one does serious systems programming I’d have… a couple of pounds and/or dollars.

I kind of understand this one, given that I believed it myself until 4 years ago. I too thought that the magical pixies working in the background to clear up my mess “obviously” cause a program to run slower. I’ll do a blog post on this one specifically.

Emacs is a text-mode program.

Any time somebody argues that text editors can’t compete with IDEs, somebody invariably asks why they’d want to use a text-mode editor. I’m an Emacs user, and I don’t know why anyone would want to do that either. Similarly…

Text editors can’t and don’t have features like autocomplete, go to definition, …

This usually shows up in the same discussions where Emacs is a terminal program. It also usually comes up when someone says an IDE is needed because of the features above. I don’t program without them, I think it’d be crazy to. Then again, I’ve rarely seen anyone use their editor of choice well. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched someone open a file in vim, realise it’s not the one they want, close vim, open another file, close it again… aaarrrgh.

I’ve also worked with someone who “liked Eclipse”, but didn’t know “go to definition” was a thing. One wonders.

Given that the C ABI is the lingua franca of programming, the implementation should be written in C

C is the true glue language when it comes to binary. It got that way for historical reasons, but there’s no denying it reigns supreme in that respect. For reasons that dumbfound me, a lot of people take this to mean that if you have a C API, then obviously the only language you can implement it in is C. Never mind that the Visual Studio libc is written in C++, this is why you pick C!

C and C++ are the same language, and its real name is C/C++.

And nobody includes Objective C in there (which, unlike C++, is an actual superset of C), because… reasons? There are so many things that are common between the two of them that sometimes it makes sense to write C/C++ because whatever it is you’re saying applied to both of them. But that’s not how I see it used most of the time.

Rust is unique in its fearless concurrency.

I guess all the people writing Pony, D, Haskell, Erlang, etc. didn’t get the memo. Is it way safer than in C++? Of course it is, but that’s a pretty low bar to clear.

The first time I wrote anything in Rust it took me 30min to write a deadlock. Not what I call fearless. “Fearless absence of data races”? Not as catchy, I guess.

You can only write kernels in C

Apparently Haiku and Redox don’t exist. Or any number of unikernel frameworks.

The endianness of your platform matters.

This is another one that’s always confused me. I never even understood why `htons` and `ntohs` existed. There’s so much confusion over this, and I’ve failed so miserably at explaining it to other people, that I just point them to someone who’s explained it better than I can.

EDIT: I didn’t mean that endianness never matter, it’s just that 99.9% of the time people think it does, it doesn’t. I had to read up on IEEE floats once, but that doesn’t mean that in the normal course of programming I need to know which bits are the mantissa.

If your Haskell code compiles, it works!

Err… no. Just… no.

Simple languages get rid of complexity.

Also known as the “sweep the dust under the rug” fallacy.

EDIT: I apparently wasn’t clear about this. I mean that the inherent complexity of the task at hand doesn’t go away and might even be harder to solve with a simple language. There are many joke languages that are extremely simple but that would be a nightmare to code anything in.

Line coverage is a measure of test quality.

I think measuring coverage is important. I think looking at pretty HTML coverage reports helps to write better software. I’m confident that chasing line coverage targets is harmful and pointless. Here’s a silly function:

int divide(int x, int y) { return x + y }

Here’s the test suite:

TEST(divide) { divide(4, 2); }

100% test coverage. The function doesn’t even return the right answers to anything. Oops. Ok, ok, so we make sure we actually assert on something:

TEST(divide) { 
    assert(divide(4, 2) == 2); 
    assert(divide(6, 3) == 2);

int divide(int x, int y) { return 2; }

100% test coverage. Hmm…

TEST(divide) { 
    assert(divide(4, 2) == 2); 
    assert(divide(9, 3) == 3);

int divide(int x, int y) { return x / y; }

Success! Unless, of course, you pass in 0 for y…

Measure test coverage. Look at the reports. Make informed decisions on what to do next. I’ve also written about this before.

C maps closely to hardware.

If “hardware” means a PDP11 or a tiny embedded device, sure. There’s a reason you can’t write a kernel in pure C with no asm. And then there’s all of this: SIMD, multiple CPU cores, cache hiearchies, cache lines, memory prefetching, out-of-order execution, etc. At least it has atomics now.

I wonder if people will still say C maps closely to hardware when they’re writing code for quantum computers. It sounds silly, but I’ve heard worse.

Also, Lisp machines never existed and FPGAs/GPUs aren’t hardware (remember Poe’s law).

No other language can do X

No matter what your particular X is, Lisp probably can.


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On the novelty factor of compile-time duck typing

Or structural type systems for the pendantic, but I think most people know what I mean when I say “compile-time duck typing”.

For one reason or another I’ve read quite a few blog posts about how great the Go programming language is recently. A common refrain is that Go’s interfaces are amazing because you don’t have to declare that a type has to satisfy an interface; it just does if its structure matches (hence structural typing). I’m not sold on how great this actually is – more on that later.

What I don’t understand is how this is presented as novel and never done before. I present to you a language from 1990:

template <typename T>
void fun(const T& animal) {
    cout << "It says: " << animal.say() << endl;

struct Dog {
    std::string say() const { return "woof"; }

struct Cat {
    std::string say() const { return "meow"; }

int main() {

Most people would recognise that as being C++. If you didn’t, well… it’s C++. I stayed away from post-C++11 on purpose (i.e. Dog{} instead of Dog()). Look ma, compile-time duck typing in the 1990s! Who’d’ve thunk it?

Is it nicer in Go? In my opinion, yes. Defining an interface and saying a function only takes objects that conform to that interface is a good thing, and a lot better than the situation in C++ (even with std::enable_if and std::void_t). But it’s easy enough to do that in D (template contraints), Haskell (typeclasses), and Rust (traits), to name the languages that do something similar that I’m more familiar with.

But in D and C++, there’s currently no way to state that your type satisfies what you need it to due to an algorithm function requiring it (such as having a member function called “say” in the silly example above) and get compiler errors telling you why it didn’t satisfy it (such as  mispelling “say” as “sey”). C++, at some point in the future, will get concepts exactly to alleviate this. In D, I wrote a library to do it. Traits and typeclasses are definitely better, but in my point of view it’s good to be able to state that a type does indeed “look like” what it needs to do to be used by certain functions. At least in D you can say static assert(isAnimal!MyType); – you just don’t know why that assertion fails when it does. I guess in C++17 one could do something similar using std::void_t. Is there an equivalent for Go? I hope a gopher enlightens me.

All in all I don’t get why this gets touted as something only Go has. It’s a similar story to “you can link statically”. I can do that in other languages as well. Even ones from the 90s.

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Rust impressions from a C++/D programmer, part 1

Discussion on programming reddit

Discussion on Rust reddit

C++ and D aren’t the only languages I know, I labeled myself that way in the title because as far as learning Rust is concerned, I figured they would be the most relevant in terms of the audience knowing where I’m coming from.

Since two years ago, my go-to task for learning a new programming language is to implement an MQTT broker in it. It was actually my 3rd project in D, but my first in Haskell and now that I have some time on my hands, it’s what I’m using to learn Rust. I started last week and have worked on it for about 3 days. As expected, writing an MQTT broker is a great source of insight into how a language really is. You know, the post-lovey-dovey phase. It’s like moving in together straight away instead of the first-date-like “here’s how you write a Scheme interpreter”.

I haven’t finished the project yet, I’m probably somewhere around the 75% mark, which isn’t too shabby for 3 days of work. Here are my impressions so far:

The good

The borrow checker. Not surprising since this is basically the whole point of the language. It’s interesting how much insight it gave me in how broken the code I’m writing elsewhere might be.  This will be something I can use when I write in other systems languages, like how learning Haskell makes you wary of doing IO.

Cargo. Setting up, getting started, using someone’s code and unit testing what you write as you go along is painless and just works. Tests in parallel by default? Yes, please. I wonder where I’ve seen that before…

Traits. Is there another language other than D and Rust that make it this easy to use compile-time polymorphism? If there is, please let me know which one. Rust has an advantage here: as in Dylan (or so I read), the same trait can be used for runtime polymorphism.

Warnings. On by default, and I only had to install flycheck-rust in Emacs for syntax highlighting to just work. Good stuff.

Productivity. This was surprising, given the borrow checker’s infamy. It _does_ take a while to get my code to compile, but overall I’ve been able to get a good amound done with not that much time, given these are the first lines of Rust I’ve ever written.

Algebraic types and pattern matching. Even though I didn’t use the former.

Slices. Non-allocating views into data? Yes, please. Made the D programmer in me feel right at home.

Immutable by default. Need I say more?

Debugging. rust-gdb makes printing out values easy. I couldn’t figure out how to break on certain functions though, so I had to use the source file and line number instead.

No need to close a socket due to RAII. This was nice and even caught a bug for me. The reason being that I expected my socket to close because it was dropped, but my test failed. When I looked into it, the reference count was larger than 1 because I’d forgotten to remove the client’s subscriptions. The ref count was 0, the socket was dropped and closed, and the test passed. Nice.

No parens for match, if, for, …

The bad

The syntax. How many times can one write an ampersand in one’s source code? You’ll break new records. Speaking of which…

Explicit borrows. I really dislike the fact that I have to tell the compiler that I’m the function I’m calling is borrowing a parameter when the function signature itself only takes borrows. It won’t compile otherwise (which is good), but… since I can’t get it wrong what’s the point of having to express intent? In C++:

void fun(Widget& w);
auto w = Widget();
fun(w); //NOT fun(&w) as in Rust

In Rust:

fn fun(w: &mut Widget);
let w = Widget::new();
fun(&mut w); //fun(w) doesn't compile but I still need to spell out &mut. Sigh.

Display vs Debug. Printing out integers and strings with {} is fine, but try and do that with a Vec or HashMap and you have to use the weird {:?}. I kept getting the order of the two symbols wrong as well. It’s silly. Even the documentation for HashMap loops over each entry and prints them out individually. Ugh.

Having to rethink my code. More than once I had to find a different way to do the thing I wanted to do. 100% of the time it was because of the borrow checker. Maybe I couldn’t figure out the magical incantation that would get my code to compile, but in one case I went from “return a reference to an internal object, then call methods on it” to “find object and call method here right now”. Why? So I wouldn’t have to borrow it mutably twice. Because the compiler won’t let me. My code isn’t any safer and it was just annoying.

Rc<RefCell<T>> and Arc<Mutex<T>>. Besides the obvious “‘Nuff said”, why do I have to explicitly call .clone on Rc? It’s harder to use than std::shared_ptr.

Slices. Writing functions that slices and passing them vectors works well enough. I got tired of writing &var[..] though. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. Coming from D I wanted to avoid vectors and just slice arrays instead. Maybe that’s not Rusty. What about appending together some values to pass into a test? No Add impl for Vecs, so it’s massive pain. Sigh.

Statements vs Expressions. I haven’t yet made the mistake of forgetting/adding a semicolon, but I can see it happening.

No function overloading.

Serialization. There’s no way to do it well without reflection, and Rust is lacking here. I just did everything by hand, which was incredibly annoying. I’m spoiled though, in D I wrote what I think is a really good serialization library. Good in the lazy sense, I pretty much never have to write custom serialization code.

The ugly

Hashmaps. The language has operator overloading, but HashMap doesn’t use it. So it’s a very Java-like map.insert(key, value). If you want to create a HashMap with a literal… you can’t. There’s no equivalent macro to vec. You could write your own, but come on, this is a basic type from the standard library that will get used a lot. Even C++ does better!

Networking / concurrent IO. So I took a look at what my options were, and as far as my googling took me, it was to use native threads or a library called mio. mio’s API was… not the easiest to use so I punted and did what is the Rust standard library way of writing a server and used threads instead. I was sure I’d have performance problems down the road but it was something to worry about later. I went on writing my code, TDDed an implementation of a broker that wasn’t connected to the outside world and everything. At one point I realised that holding on to a mutable reference for subscribers wasn’t going to work so I used Rc<RefCell<Subscriber>> instead. It compiled, my tests passed, and all was good in the world. Then I tried actually using the broker from my threaded server. Since it’s not safe to use Rc<RefCell<>> in threads, this failed to compile. “Good!”, I thought, I changed Rc to Arc and RefCell to Mutex. Compile, run, …. deadlock. Oops. I had to learn mio after all. It wasn’t as bad as boost::asio but it wasn’t too far away either.

Comparing objects for identity. I just wanted to compare pointers. It was not fun. I had to write this:

fn is_same<T>(lhs: &T, rhs: &T) -> bool {
    lhs as *const T == rhs as *const T;
fn is_same_subscriber<T: Subscriber>(lhs: Rc<RefCell<T>>, rhs: Rc<RefCell<T>>) -> bool {
    is_same(&*lhs.borrow, &*rhs.borrow());



I thought I’d like Rust more than I actually do at this point. I’m glad I’m taking the time to learn it, but I’m not sure how likely I’ll choose to use it for any future project. Currently the only real advantage it has for me over D is that it has no runtime and could more easily be used on bare metal projects. But I’m unlikely to do any of those anytime soon.

I never thought I’d say this a few years back but…I like being able to fall back on a mark-and-sweep GC. I don’t have to use it in D either, so if it ever becomes a performance or latency problem I know how to deal with it. It seems to me to be far easier than getting the borrow checker to agree with me or having to change how I want to write my code.

We’ll see, I guess. Optimising the Rust implementation to be competitive with the D and Java ones is likely to be interesting.

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Computer languages: ordering my favourites

This isn’t even remotely supposed to be based on facts, evidence, benchmarks or anything like that. You could even disagree with what are “scripting languages” or not. All of the below just reflect my personal preferences. In any case, here’s my list of favourite computer languages, divided into two categories: scripting and, err… I guess “not scripting”.


My favourite scripting languages, in order:

  1. Python
  2. Ruby
  3. Emacs Lisp
  4. Lua
  5. Powershell
  6. Perl
  7. bash/zsh
  8. m4
  9. Microsoft batch files
  10. Tcl


I haven’t written enough Ruby yet to really know. I suspect I’d like it more than Python but at the moment I just don’t have enough experience with it to know its warts. Even I’m surprised there’s something below Perl here but Tcl really is that bad. If you’re wondering where PHP is, well I don’t know because I’ve never written any but from what I’ve seen and heard I’d expect it to be (in my opinion of course) better than Tcl and worse than Perl. I’m surprised how high Perl is given my extreme dislike for it. When I started thinking about it I realised there’s far far worse.


My favourite non-scripting languages, in order:

  1. D
  2. C++
  3. Haskell
  4. Common Lisp
  5. Rust
  6. Java
  7. Go
  8. Objective C
  9. C
  10. Pascal
  11. Fortran
  12. Basic / Visual Basic

I’ve never used Scheme, if that explains where Common Lisp is. I’m still learning Haskell so not too sure there. As for Rust, I’ve never written a line of code in it and yet I think I can confidently place it in the list, especially with respect to Go. It might place higher than C++ but I don’t know yet.


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