Monthly Archives: May 2016

Prototyping is useful after all

Python is said to be a great prototyping language, I guess because types don’t have to be written down explicitly. I’ve never really gotten why someone would want to do that. Even after reading Code Complete I felt like it sounded like a good idea but also maybe… a waste of time?

I think I’ve just changed my mind. I’ve been struggling at work for a couple of weeks now with some new C code. It’s not just that it’s in C, there’s also some infra I’d never used before to work out as well. I felt like my head was clouded by implementation details that I had to consider at every step, so I tried something different: write it all, from scratch, in D.

Why D? Two reasons. First, it’s my favourite language. Second, the syntax is similar enough that a translation of the solution to C should be straightforward. One hour later I’d not only implemented everything I wanted, but now knew exactly what I had to do in C-land. Which, of course, will take much longer than an hour.

Still, I’m now wondering why I took so long to prototype my solution. It could’ve saved me two weeks of mostly unproductive work. The problem is too hard to solve in your current environment? Solve it somewhere else where it’s easy and translate later.

Write custom assertions whenever possible

I’ve been very interested in readable tests with great error messages recently. Mostly because they kept failing and I wanted the most information possible in order to quickly identify the cause. This is another reason why I like TDD: you see the test failing first, so if the error message isn’t great you’ll know straight away instead of months later.

The good testing frameworks provide a way of writing your own custom assertions. I’d never really looked into them that much before, but now I realize the error of my ways. Recently I wrote a test that contained this line:


Readable, right? The problem is when it fails:

foo.d:42 - Expected: true
foo.d:42 -      Got: false

And now you have to go read the test and figure out what went wrong. It’s a lot better to get the information that a file was supposed to exist instead right away. So I wrote a custom assertion and was then ready to write this:


With the corresponding failure message:

foo.d:42 - Expected /tmp/foo.txt to exist but it didn't

Now it’s a lot easier to pinpoint where the problem is. For starters, you would probably want to start checking the contents of the surrounding directory, having saved the time you would have had to spend figuring out what exactly was false.

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The Reader monad is just an object

I found myself writing some code like this a week or two ago:

string testPath = ...;
func1(testPath, ...);
func2(testPath, ...);

I thought it was annoying that I had to keep repeating the same argument to every function call and started thinking about ways that I could automatically “thread” it. By just thinking that word I was taken to the world of Haskell and thought that the Reader monad would be great here. I even thought of implementing it in D, until I realised…  that’s just an immutable object! I don’t need a monad, just a struct or a class:

struct Foo {
    string testPath;
    func1(...) const;
    func2(...) const;

In most OOP languages I don’t need to pass anything when func1 or func2 are called, and they both implicitly have access to all the instance variables, which is exactly what I wanted to do anyway. In D I can even get something resembling Haskell do notation by writing the client code like this:

with(immutable Foo()) {

(as opposed to):

auto foo = immutable Foo();

I can’t believe it took me this long to realise it, but the Reader, Writer and State monads are just… objects. Reader is immutable, but I just showed how to get the same effect in D. It’d be similar in C++ with a const object, and the lack of the with keyword would make it more verbose, but in the end it’s very similar.

DConf2016 report

DConf 2016 happened last week in Berlin. As usual it was really cool to be able to attend and talk to so many great developers from around the world.

There weren’t really any earth-shattering announcements. The only thing that comes to mind is for-now anonymous donor offering the D foundation half a million dollars as long as there’s a plan to spend that money. That’s great news and I’m looking forward to hearing what that money will be spent on.

The talks were great, of course: they should be available soon enough so the details aren’t really needed. My favourite was probably Don’s talk on floating point numbers. I’ve read the IEEE spec and I still learned a lot.

And there was my lightning talk. I only found out about the schedule an hour before, which was the amount of time I had to write it. After a stress-filled hour passed, I learned that they didn’t have a VGA cable and had another cortisol spike as I tried to figure out some sort of solution. In the end I ssh’ed from a German Mac into my laptop, to sometimes hilarious consequences, with me ad-libbing with no brain-mouth filter for a few minutes. I need to see the video once it’s available to see how well I did…

main is just another function

Last week I talked about code that isn’t unit-testable, at least not by my definition of what a unit test is. In keeping with that, this blog post will talk about testing code that has side-effects.

Recently I’d come to accept a defeatist attitude where I couldn’t think of any other way to test that passing certain command-line options to a console binary had a certain effect. I mean, the whole point is to test that running the app differently will have different consequences. As a result I ended up only ever doing end-to-end testing. And… that’s simply not where I want to be.

Then it dawned on me: main is just another function. Granted, it has a special status that makes it so you can’t call it directly from a test, but nearly all my main functions lately have looked like this:

int main(string[] args) {
    try {
        return 0;
    } catch(Exception ex) {
        return 1;

It should be easy enough to translate this to the equivalent C++ in your head. With main so conveniently delegating to a function that does real work, I can now easily write integration tests. After all, is there really any difference between:

doStuff(["myapp", "--option", "arg1", "arg2"]);
// assert stuff happened

And (in, say, a shell script):

./myapp --option arg1 arg2
# assert stuff happened

I’d say no. This way I have one end-to-end test for sanity’s sake, and everything else being tested from the same binary by calling the “real” main function directly.

If your main doesn’t look like the one above, and you happen to be writing C or C++, there’s another technique: use the preprocessor to rename main to something else and call it from your integration/component test. And then, as they say, Bob’s your uncle.

Happy testing!

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