Monthly Archives: November 2018

Unit Testing? Do As I Say, Don’t Do As I Do

I’m a firm believer in unit testing. I’ve done more tech talks on the subject than I’d care to count, and always tell audiences the same thing: prefer unit tests, here’s a picture of the testing pyramid, keep unit tests pure (no side-effects), avoid end-to-end tests (they’re flaky, people will stop paying attention to red builds since all builds will be red). I tell them about adapters, ports and hexagonal architecture. But when it comes to using libclang to parse and translate C and C++ headers, I end up punting and writing a lot of integration tests instead. Hmm.

I know why people write tests with side-effects, and why they end up writing integration and end-to-end ones instead of the nice pure unit test happy place I advocate. It’s easier. There’s less thinking involved. A lot less. However, taking the easy path has always come back to bite me. Those kinds of tests take longer. They higher up the test pyramid you go, the flakier they get. TCP ports stay open longer than a tester would like, for instance. The network goes down. All sorts of things.

I understand why I wrote integration tests instead of unit tests when interfacing with libclang too. Like it is for everyone else, it was just easier. I failed to come up with a plan to unit test what I was doing. It didn’t help that I’d never used libclang and had no idea what the API looked like or what it allowed me to do. It also doesn’t help that libclang doesn’t have an option to take a string to the code to parse and instead takes a file name, but I can work around that.

Because of this, the dpp codebase currently suffers from that lack of separation of concerns. Code that translates C/C++ to D is now intimately tied to libclang and its quirks. If I ever try to use something other than libclang, I won’t be able to. All of the bad things I caution everybody else about? I guaranteed they happened in one of my newest projects.

Before the code collapses under its own complexity, I’ve decided to do what I should’ve done all along and am rewriting dpp so it uses layers to get away from the libclang mess. I’m still figuring it all out, but the main idea is to have a transformation layer between libclang and my code that takes its data types and converts them to a new set of AST types that are my own. From then on it should be trivial to unit test the translation of those AST types that represent C or C++ code into D. Funnily enough, the fact that I wrote so many integration tests will keep me honest since all of those old tests will still have to pass. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

I might do another blog post covering how I ended up porting a codebase with pretty much only integration tests to the unit variety. It might be of interest to anyone maintaining a legacy codebase (i.e. all of us).

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libclang: not as great as I thought

I’ve been hearing about the delights of libclang for a while now. A compiler as a library, what a thought! Never-get-it-wrong again parsing/completion/whathaveyou! Amazing.

Then I tried using it.

If you’re parsing C (and maybe Objective C, but I wouldn’t know), then it’s great. It does what it says on the tin and then some, and all the information is at your fingertips. C++? Not so much.

libclang is the C API of the clang frontend. The “real” code is written in C++, but it’s unstable in the sense that there’s no API guarantees. The C API however is stable. It’s also the only option if you want to use the compiler as a library from a different language.

As I’ve found out, the only C++ entities that are exposed by libclang are the ones that the authors have needed, which leaves a lot to be desired. Do you want to get a list of a struct’s template parameters? You can get the number of them, and you can get a type template argument at a particular index after that. That sounds great, until you realise that some template arguments are values, and you can’t get those. At all. You can’t even tell if they’re values or not. I had to come up with a heuristic where I’d call clang_Type_getTemplateArgumentAsType and then use the type kind to determine if it’s a value or not (`CXType_Invalid` means a value, `CXType_Unexposed` means a non-specialised type argument and anything else is a specialised template type argument. Obviously.). Extracting the value? That involves going through the tokens of the struct and finding the ith token in the angle brackets. Sigh.

And this is because it’s a templated struct/class. Template functions don’t need any of this and are better supported because reasons.

Then there are bugs. Enum constants in template structs show up as 0 for no reason at all, and template argument naming is inconsistent:

template <typename> struct Struct;
template <typename T> struct Struct {
    Struct(const Struct& other) {}

See that copy constructor above? Its only parameter is, technically, of const Struct<T>& type. So you’d think libclang would tell you that the type’s spelling is T, but no, it’s type-parameter-0-0. Remove the first line with the struct declaration? Then the type template argument’s spelling is, as a normal person would have guessed, T. If the declaration names the type as `T` it also works as expected. I assume again it’s because reasons.

It’s bad enough that I’m not the only one to have encountered issues. There’s at least one library I know of written to get around libclang’s problems, but I can’t use it for my project because it’s written in C++.

I’m going to eventually have to submit patches to libclang myself, but I have no idea how the approval process over there is like.

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Implementing Rust’s std::sync::Mutex in D


The first time I encountered a mutex in C++ I was puzzled. It made no sense to me at all that I was locking one to protect some data and the only way to indicate what data was protected by a certain mutex was a naming convention. It seemed to me like a recipe for disaster, and of course, it is.

I’ve hardly written any code in Rust, in fact only one project to learn the basics of the language. But the time I spent with it was enough to marvel at std::sync::Mutex – at last it made sense! Access to the variable has to go through the mutex’s API, and no convention is needed. And, of course, in the Rust tradition said access is safe.

That unsurprisingly made me slightly jealous. In D, shared is a keyword and it protects the programmer from inadvertently accessing shared state in an unsafe manner (mostly). Atomic operations typically take a pointer to a shared T, but larger objects (i.e. user-defined structs) are usually dealt with by locking a mutex, casting away shared and then using the object as thread-local. While this works, it’s tedious, error-prone, and certainly not safe. Since imitation is the highest form of flattery, I decided to shamelessly copy, as much as possible, the idea behind Rust’s Mutex.

Rust makes the API safe via the borrow checker, but D doesn’t have that. It does, however, have the sort-of-still-experimental DIP1000, which is similar in what it tries to achieve. I set out to use the new functionality to try and devise a safe way to avoid the current practice of BYOM (Bring Your Own Mutex).

I started off by reading the concurrency part of The Rust Book, which was very helpful. It even explains implementation details such as the fact that .borrow returns a smart pointer instead of the wrapped type. This too I copied. I then started thinking of ways to use D’s scope to emulate Rust’s borrow checker. The idea wasn’t to have the same semantics but to enable safe usage and fail to compile unsafe code. Pragmatism was key.

I was initially confused about why std::sync::Mutex is nearly always used with std::sync::Arc – it took me writing a bug to realise that shared data is never allocated on the stack. Obvious in retrospect but I somehow failed to realise that. Since Rust doesn’t have a mark-and-sweep GC, the only real option is to use reference counting for the heap-allocated shared data. This realisation led to another: in D there’s a choice between reference counting and simply using GC-allocated memory, so the API reflects that. The RC version is even @nogc!

The API forces the initialisation of the user-defined type to happen by passing parameters to the constructor of that type. This is because passing an extant object isn’t safe – other references to it may exist in the program and data races could occur. Rust can do this and guarantee at compile-time that other mutable references don’t exist, but D can’t, hence the restriction. For types without mutable indirections the restriction is lifted, made possible by D’s world class static reflection capabilities. The API also enforces that the type is shared – there’s no point to using this library if the type isn’t, and even less of a point making the user type `shared T` all the time.

Although D has an actor model message passing library in std.concurrency, none of the functions are @safe. I also realised it would be trivial to write a deadlock by sending the shared data while a mutex is held to another thread. To fix both of these issues, the library I wrote has @safe versions of D’s concurrency primitives, and the send function checks to see if the mutex is locked before actually passing the compound (mutex, T) type (named Exclusive in the library) to another thread of execution.

DIP1000 itself was hard to understand. I ended up reading the proposal several times, and it didn’t help that the current implementation doesn’t match that document 100%. In the end, however, the result seems to work:

It’s possible that, due to bugs in DIP1000 or in fearless itself that a programmer can break safety, but to the extent of my knowledge this brings @safe concurrent code to D.

I’d love it if any concurrency experts could try and poke holes in the library so I can fix them.

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