Tag Archives: c++14

The joys of translating C++’s std::function to D

I wrote a program to translate C headers to D. Translating C was actually more challenging than I thought; I even got to learn things I didn’t know about the language even though I’ve known it for 24 years. The problems that I encountered were all minor though, and to the extent of my knowledge have all been resolved (modulo bugs).

C++ is a much larger language, so the effort should be considerably more. I didn’t expect it to be as hard as it’s been however, and in this blog I want to talk about how “interesting” it was to translate C++11’s std::function by hand.

The first issue for most languages would be that it relies on template specialisation:

class function;  // doesn't have a definition anywhere

template<typename R, typename... Args>
class function<R(Args...)> { /* ... */ }

This is a way of constraining the std::function template to only accept function types. Perhaps surprisingly to some, the C++ syntax for the type of a function that takes two ints and returns a double is double(int, int). I doubt most people see this outside of C++ standard library templates. If it’s still confusing, think of double(int, int) as the type that is obtained by deferencing a pointer of type double(*)(int, int).

D is, as far as I know, the only other language other than C++ to support partial template specialisation. There are however two immediate problems:

  • function is a keyword in D
  • There is no D syntax for a function type

I can mitigate the name issue by calling the symbol function_ instead; however, this will affect name mangling, meaning nothing will actually link. D does have pragma(mangle) to tell the compiler how to mangle symbols, but std::function is a template; it doesn’t have any mangling until it’s instantiated. Let’s worry about that later and call the template function_ for now.

The second issue can be worked around:

// C++: `using funPtr = double(*)(int, int);`
alias funPtr = double function(int, int);
// C++: `using funType = double(int, int);`
alias funType = typeof(*funPtr.init);

As in C++, the function type is the type one gets from deferencing a function pointer. Unlike C++, currently there’s no syntax to write it directly. First attempt:

// helper to automate getting an alias to a function type
template FunctionType(R, Args...) {
    alias ptr = R function(Args);
    alias FunctionType = typeof(*ptr.init);

struct function_(T);
struct function_(T: FunctionType!(R, Args), R, Args...) { }

This doesn’t work, probably due to this bug preventing the helper template FunctionType from working as intended. Let’s forget the template constraint:

extern(C++, "std") {
    struct function_(T) {
        import std.traits: ReturnType, Parameters;
        alias R = ReturnType!T;
        alias Args = Parameters!T;
        // In C++: `R operator()(Args) const`;
        R opCall(Args) const;

void main() {
    alias funPtr = double function(double);
    alias funType = typeof(*funPtr.init);
    function_!funType f;
    double result = f(3.3);

This compiles but it doesn’t link: there’s an undefined reference to std::function_::operator()(double) const. Looking at the symbols in the object files using nm, we see that g++ emitted _ZNKSt8functionIFddEEclEd but dmd is trying to link to _ZNKSt9function_IFddEEclEd. As expected, name mangling issues related to renaming the symbol.

We could manually add a pragma(mangle) to tell D how to mangle the operator for the double(double) template instantiation, but that solution doesn’t scale. CTFE (constexpr if you speak C++ but not D) to the rescue!

// snip - as before
pragma(mangle, opCall.mangleof.fixMangling)
R opCall(Args) const;

// (elsewhere at file scope)
string fixMangling(string str) {
    import std.array: replace;
    return str.replace("9function_", "8function");

What’s going on here is an abuse of D’s compile-time power. The .mangleof property is a compile-time string that tells us how a symbol is going to be mangled. We pass this string to the fixMangling function which is evaluated at compile-time and fed back to the compiler telling it what symbol name to actually use. Notice that function_ is still a template, meaning .mangleof has a different value for each instantiation. It’s… almost magical. Hacky, but magical.

The final code compiles and links. Actually creating a valid std::function<double(double)> from D code is left as an exercise to the reader.


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The C++ GSL in Practice

At CppCon 2015, we heard about the CppCoreGuildelines and a supporting library for it, the GSL. There were several talks devoted to this, including two of the keynotes, and we were promised a future of zero cost abstractions that were also safe. What’s not to like?

Me being me, I had to try this out for myself. And what better way than when rewriting my C++ implementation of an MQTT broker from scratch. Why from scratch? The version I had didn’t perform well, required extensive refactoring to do so and I’m not crazy enough to post results from C++ that lose by a factor of 3 to any other language.

It was a good fit as well: the equivalent D and Rust code was using slices, so this seemed like the perfect change to try out gsl::span (née gsl::array_view).

I think I liked it. I say I think because the benefits it provided (slices in C++!) are something I’m used to now by programming in D, and of course there were a few things that didn’t work out so well, namely:


First of all, there was this bug I filed. This is a new one to shoot oneself in one’s foot and we were not amused. Had I just declared a function taking const std::string& as usual, I wouldn’t have hit the bug. The price of early adoption, I guess. The worst part is that it failed silently and was hard to detect: the strings printed out the same, but one had a silent terminating null char. I ended up having to declare an overload that took const char* and did the conversion appropriately.

Also, although I know why, it’s still incredibly annoying to have to use empty angle brackets for the default case.

Rvalues need not apply

Without using the GSL, I can do this:

void func(const std::vector<unsigned char>&);
func({2, 3, 4}); //rvalues are nice

With the GSL, it has to be this:

void func(gsl::span<const unsigned char>&);
const std::vector<unsigned char> bytes{2, 3, 4};

It’s cumbersome and I can’t see how it’s protecting me from anything.


I had to refer to the unit tests (fortunately included) and Neil MacIntosh’s presentation at CppCon 2015 multiple times to figure out how to use it. It wasn’t always obvious.


I still think this is a good thing for C++, but the value of something like gsl::not_null is… null without the static analysis tool they mentioned. It could be easier to use as well. My other concern is how and if gsl::span will work with the ranges proposal / library.


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Adding Java and C++ to the MQTT benchmarks or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Garbage Collector

This is a followup to my first post, where I compared different MQTT broker implementations written in D, C, Erlang and Go. Then my colleague who wrote the Erlang version decided to write a Java version too, and I felt compelled to do a C+11 implementation. This was only supposed to simply add the results of those two to the benchmarks but unfortunately had problems with the C++ version, which led to the title of this blog post. More on that later. Suffice it to say for now that the C++ results should be taken with a large lump of salt. Results:

loadtest (throughput - bigger is better)
Connections:         500            750            1k
D + vibe.d:          166.9 +/- 1.5  171.1 +/- 3.3  167.9 +/- 1.3
C (Mosquitto):       122.4 +/- 0.4   95.2 +/- 1.3   74.7 +/- 0.4
Erlang:              124.2 +/- 5.9  117.6 +/- 4.6  117.7 +/- 3.2
Go:                  100.1 +/- 0.1   99.3 +/- 0.2   98.8 +/- 0.3
Java:                105.1 +/- 0.5  105.8 +/- 0.3  105.8 +/- 0.5
C++11 + boost::asio: 109.6 +/- 2.0  107.8 +/- 1.1  108.5 +/- 2.6

pingtest (throughput constrained by latency - bigger is better)
parameters:          400p 20w       200p 200w      100p 400w
D + vibe.d:          50.9 +/- 0.3   38.3 +/- 0.2   20.1 +/- 0.1
C (Mosquitto):       65.4 +/- 4.4   45.2 +/- 0.2   20.0 +/- 0.0
Erlang:              49.1 +/- 0.8   30.9 +/- 0.3   15.6 +/- 0.1
Go:                  45.2 +/- 0.2   27.5 +/- 0.1   16.0 +/- 0.1
Java:                63.9 +/- 0.8   45.7 +/- 0.9   23.9 +/- 0.5
C++11 + boost::asio: 50.8 +/- 0.9   44.2 +/- 0.2   21.5 +/- 0.4

In loadtest the C++ and Java implementations turned out to be in the middle of the pack with comparable performance between the two. Both of them are slightly worse than Erlang and D is still a good distance ahead. In pingtest it gets more interesting: Java mostly matches the previous winner (the C version) and beats it in the last benchmark, so it’s now the clear winner. The C++ version matches both of those in the middle benchmark, does well in the last one but only performs as well as the D version in the first one. A win for Java.

Now about my C++ woes: I brought it on myself a little bit, but the way I approached it was by trying to minimise the amount of work I had to do. After all, writing C++ takes a long while at the best of times so I went and ported it from my D version by translating it by hand. I gleaned a few insights from doing so:

  • Using C++11 made my life a lot easier since it closes the gap with D considerably.  const and immutable became const auto, auto remained the same except when used as a return value, etc.
  • Having also written both C++ and D versions of the serialisation libraries I used as well as the unit-testing ones made things a lot easier, since I used the same concepts and names.
  • I’m glad I took the time to port the unit tests as well. I ended up introducing several bugs in the manual translation.
  • A lot of those bugs were initialisation errors that simply don’t exist in D. Or Java. Or Go. Sigh.
  • I hate headers with a burning passion. Modules should be the top C++17 priority IMHO since there’s zero chance of them making into C++14.
  • I missed slices. A lot. std::vector and std::deque are poor substitutes.
  • Trying to port code written in a garbage collected language and trying to simply introduce std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr where appropriate was a massive PITA. I’m not even sure I got it right, more on that below.

The C++ implementation is incomplete and will continue to be like that, since I’m now bored of it, tired, and just want to move on. It’s also buggy. All of the loadtest benchmarks were done with only 1000 messages instead of the values at the top since it crashes if left to run for long enough. I’m not going to debug it because it’s not going to be any fun and nobody is paying me to do it.

It’s not optimised either. I never even bothered to run a profiler. I was going to do it as soon as I fixed all the bugs but I gave up long before that. I know it’s doing excessive copying because copying vectors of bytes around was the easiest way I could get it to compile after copying the D code using slices. It was on my TODO list to remove and replace with iterators, but, as I mentioned, it’s not going to happen.

I reckon a complete version would probably do as well as Java at pingtest but have a hunch that D would probably still win loadtest. This is, of course, pure speculation. So why did I bother to include the C++ results? I thought it would still be interesting and give a rough idea of how it would compare. I wish I had the energy to finish it, but I just wasn’t having fun anymore and I don’t see the point. Writing it from scratch in C++ would have been a better idea, but it definitely would have taken a longer amount of time. It would’ve looked similar to what I have now anyway (I’d still be the author), but I have the feeling it would have fewer bugs. Thinking about memory management from the start is very different from trying to apply smart pointers to an already existing design that depended on a garbage collector.

My conclusion from all of this is that I really don’t want to write C++ again unless I have to. And that for all the misgivings I had about a garbage collector, it saves me time that I would’ve used tracking down memory leaks, double frees and all of those other “fun” activities. And, at least for this exercise, it doesn’t even seem to make a dent in performance. Java was the pingtest winner after all, but its GC is a lot better than D’s. To add insult to C++’s injury, that Java implementation took Patrick a morning to write from scratch, and an afternoon to profile and optimise. It took me days to port an existing working implementation from the closest language there is to C++ and ended up with a crashing binary. It just wasn’t worth the time and effort, but at least now I know that.

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